Le Saint du Mech

Le Saint du Mech

"The soul is in the machine,
And that is where the heart sleeps"
"The soul is in the machine,
And that is where the heart sleeps"

Hello! Bonjour! Guten Tag! And welcome to my domain. I am Le Saint du Mech, plastic modeler, giant robot enthusiast and official Gundam builder for the great state of Nebraska.

Little bout me. Just an average midwest Joe, Alsatian-American, who grew up working in the corn fields as a child. A huge Francophile and avid fan of the saint Jeanne-d'Arc (to whom this site was named in homage).

As implied, am a huge Gundam fan. As well as Godzilla. And in extension all genres involving giant fighting robots. A part time writer, dabbling poet, lover of philosophy, ardent hater of the Oxford comma and total cinéphile. Classically trained pianist. Educated by the Jesuits. Went to school in Grenoble, France. Worked for five years in Danish healthcare but glad to now be back home in Nebraska. However it's safe to say I'm a worldly person who's been around.

As a child I was a huge fan of the tv show the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. But as I aged, I grew older and the Rangers grew dumber. Til eventually I abandoned them. However the joy of seeing large, giant fighting robots (as well as giant dinosaurs) never abandoned me. And eventually that love for the Rangers and their giant zords was soon replaced by my discovery of the show Gundam Wing airing late at night on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim in the early 2000s. It was a much more mature show still involving giant fighting robots, but the voice acting was not nowhere near as corny and the show dealt with much more mature themes and storylines. I was instantly hooked.

But that love, however, quickly went from just watching the show to soon buying the action figures and from the action figures to purchasing the model kits and constructing them. At one point in my life, when I was living alone in Wisconsin and bored out there by myself, I was constructing one model per every evening. I quickly had built hundreds. At this point though these were not anything fancy. No paint, no glue, no customization. I was building them strictly as designed, straight out of the box.

But then Covid-19 happened, and I wound up moving back to Nebraska. And I had nothing to do. And by this point I had mostly built every kit there was (straight builds, mind you) that the hobby was growing old and I was getting bored. So I had to find something to do to spruce it up in order to keep the passion burning and relevant.

It did not take long though til I discovered online, youtube videos of people custom painting their Gundam kits to their own designs and creations. I was drawn in immediately and knew I could totally come up with my own unique ideas. In particular I discovered a video of this guy Otaku Builder painting a Master Grade Wing Zero. I recommend you watch his video, but to summarize it for you, he did phenomenal. I know the point of this page is for my own self promotion, but by far this guy Otaku I consider him the master. Witnessing him build I had to build my own.

Anyhow that's the story. I welcome you to my page. And hope that you will check out my creations. This website will be an ever growing and evolving online platform where I hope to develop and post new content as time goes on.

Lastly, since the topic is likely to come up. I just want to state that I am not yet at this time taking or doing commissions outside of for immediate friends and family. This is all just for show and for the love and joy of painting. However that may change in the future as I become more experienced and comfortable with the idea of selling my pieces and painting projects for money.